My Journey Continued

So I want to say right off the top that I’m not going to subject you to any live video event on Facebook.  I think I have a really good face…for radio.  I’ve been told I could be a model … for gloves or socks.  I’ll just stick to words, I promise.  

My hope is that my words can be either comfort, comedy or encouragement to anybody who reads them.  I am pretty sure my words won’t be a grammar or spelling lesson.  I have software that’s supposed to check for me so if I miss anything it’s not my fault.

What I have to say might even make you angry or sadden you.  Actually if it make you angry or upset I hope you will at least let me try to explain myself.  I have had plenty of people laugh at me and with me over the years so laugh if you want.  I don’t care.

I don’t have a lot of original material so I’ve begged borrowed and stolen.  As much as possible I will try to give credit where credit is due.  Some of the authors and speakers that have impacted me over the last year or so have been Bruxey Cavey, Darren Hardy, John Maxwell, Jim Rohn, Andy Stanley, Rob Bell, Peter Enns and the late (unfortunately) Rachel Held Evans.  Just to name a few.  What these people have said or written challenged me and informed me.  I either agree or disagree with them but I value what they say and how they say it.  I’ve come to realize that my life has been richer getting to know people whether I agree with them or not.  In my opinion we shouldn’t just talk and listen to people we think agree with us.  We should be reaching out to those with different views and listening much more than we are talking.  I have been guilty in a conversation of thinking of my answer or response to a person before they are finished talking.  Maybe my isolation will help with this.  I’m going to use technology in this time to listen more.   

One thing we need to be doing right now is reading and listening as much as we can.  In my life books of every kind have been invaluable.  Get a Kindle, an audio book or dust off some old book in your shelf.  Just READ!

I really believe God has prepared me ahead of time for events in my life – amazingly joyful events, and tragic events.  I lost my nephew Ben Kitzman in a car accident July 1, 2019.  I didn’t feel at the time very prepared for this.  It was like a kick in the stomach for me and my family.  But looking back I think there were some things that happened to me, Including my stroke, that prepared me, in some way, for losing Benny.  The tragedy has also clarified why I need to say what I need to say.  I don’t know how much time I have left.  Every time I left Ben I made a point of giving him a big hug and told him I loved him.  Ben’s life was ended obviously too soon.  His story ended.  Or did it?  Maybe somebody else needs to take it on and continue it.  I think all of us can be part of each other’s stories.  We can enrich each other and contribute to each other.  Move each other forward.  So much of Ben’s story is part of my story – grace, brokenness, forgiveness and restoration.  I only wish I could see Ben one more time and tell him I love him and I am proud of him.  But I can’t.  

Tell those you love that you love them just because.  Not for anything they have or have not done.  Just because of who they are. 

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